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Welcome to Marketing Means More
Brand and Strategic Marketing Consultancy
Marketing Means More is founded on two principles:
1. Marketing is more than communications
2. The ultimate purpose of marketing is profit

Marketing Means More provides bespoke solutions that bring clarity to your business through brand purpose and strategic direction.


Typically, clients I help are facing one or more of the following challenges:


  • Understanding customers better and developing a market-oriented approach

  • Getting to a point of strategic focus and achieving a breakthrough for the business
  • Balancing short-term performance marketing with long-term brand building


Marketing means Profit

Welcome to the website of Marketing Means More; a brand and strategic marketing consultancy based in London, but with global reach. Please forgive the rather provocative headline, but let me come to that a little later.


If you’ve made it this far, then you’ve probably looked through tens if not hundreds of websites with marketing consultants telling you how they have some magic formula to revolutionise your business, almost inevitably focused on digital marketing in some form or another. Don’t get me wrong, the digital revolution has transformed marketing in many positive ways, and digital marketing is an essential component of any good marketing plan. But this is something that comes at the end of the process, not at the beginning.

Marketing Means More is different

Unlike many marketing consultants you will come across, I am a professionally qualified, properly trained and highly experienced marketer. I am less interested in what is fashionable in marketing and rather more interested in what is effective, especially when applied to your business.


Contrary to how it is often perceived today, marketing means more than just communications. In fact, the communications part of marketing accounts for less than 10% of the total task. All too often, marketing is narrowly focused on short-term results and fails to give sufficient attention to building longer term brand value, which is the key to generating higher profit. But this isn't an either/or discussion. The best marketing plans balance both short-term and long-term objectives to deliver the strongest business outcomes through profitable growth. As a brand marketing consultant, I can help you find the optimum balance for your business.

A Customer-orientated approach

Marketing is not only broader than selling, it is not a specialized activity at all. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is from the customer’s point of view.


This quote dates from 1954 and comes from Peter Drucker, the influential American management consultant, widely regarded as the “Father of Management”. What Drucker so neatly pointed out, over 65 years ago, is that the starting point for marketing is always the customer – not the strategy or the tactics, and certainly not a social media campaign.


As you read this, it's safe to assume that I know little about your specific business. But this gives me a distinct advantage. It means that if I work with you as a marketing consultant, I won't be able to make any assumptions. Instead, I will need to study and understand your business, starting with your customers. From there I will help you build a well-defined, customer-oriented marketing strategy which can be executed by an effective integrated marketing plan to deliver success.

Marketing effectiveness before fashion

To be fully effective, marketing always needs to follow a clear and well-defined process consisting of three phases. It starts with diagnosing the business issues, often using research. It then moves on to developing a marketing strategy based on segmentation, targeting and positioning; the so-called “holy trinity” of marketing. Once the strategy is defined, the process moves on to tactics and execution, the famous “Four Ps” of marketing; Product (product or service), Price, Place (distribution) and Promotion (integrated marketing communications). The logical sequence of these phases means is that tactics without a good marketing strategy are useless, and potentially a complete waste of money. And a good marketing strategy must be based on understanding what your customers think – not what you assume they think, but what they actually think.



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The value of my experience

The ultimate purpose of marketing is to increase profitability, pure and simple. It is not about increasing social media likes or banner ad click-through rates or any other metric; important and useful though these may be along the way.


Whether you run an SME or a larger organisation, with 25 years’ international marketing experience, I can help improve the strategic direction of your marketing, significantly improve your Return on Marketing Investment and ultimately the profitability of your business.


So, if you’d like to discuss your marketing challenge and how I can help you, please get in touch.

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